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Unity 5.6 animation error : Type 'UnityEngine.Component' does not support slicing.

Here is soldier animation script var minimumRunSpeed = 1.0; function Start () { // Set all animations to loop animation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; // Except our action animations, Dont loop those animation["Shoot"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; // Put idle and run in a lower layer. They will only animate if our action animations are not playing animation["Idle"].layer = -1; animation["Walk"].layer = -1; animation["walk"].layer = -1; animation.Stop(); } function SetSpeed (speed : float) { if (speed > minimumRunSpeed) animation.CrossFade("Walk"); else animation.CrossFade("Idle"); } *****Getting error in following line: animation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; // Except our action animations, Dont loop those animation["Shoot"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; // Put idle and run in a lower layer. They will only animate if our action animations are not playing animation["Idle"].layer = -1; animation["Walk"].layer = -1; animation["walk"].layer = -1; animation.Stop(); }**** showing error does not support slicing any solution so please tell me humble request !... Here is another script in which it is telling error unity doesnot support slicing !... var speed = 3.0; var rotationSpeed = 5.0; var shootRange = 15.0; var attackRange = 30.0; var shootAngle = 4.0; var dontComeCloserRange = 5.0; var delayShootTime = 0.35; var pickNextWaypointDistance = 2.0; var target : Transform; private var lastShot = -10.0; // Make sure there is always a character controller @script RequireComponent (CharacterController) function Start () { // Auto setup player as target through tags if (target == null && GameObject.FindWithTag("Player")) target = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform; Patrol(); } function Patrol () { var curWayPoint = AutoWayPoint.FindClosest(transform.position); while (true) { var waypointPosition = curWayPoint.transform.position; // Are we close to a waypoint? -> pick the next one! if (Vector3.Distance(waypointPosition, transform.position) attackRange) return false; var hit : RaycastHit; if (Physics.Linecast (transform.position, target.position, hit)) return hit.transform == target; return false; } function Shoot () { // Start shoot animation animation.CrossFade("shoot", 0.3); // Wait until half the animation has played yield WaitForSeconds(delayShootTime); // Fire gun BroadcastMessage("Fire"); // Wait for the rest of the animation to finish yield WaitForSeconds(animation["shoot"].length - delayShootTime); } function AttackPlayer () { var lastVisiblePlayerPosition = target.position; while (true) { if (CanSeeTarget ()) { // Target is dead - stop hunting if (target == null) return; // Target is too far away - give up var distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position); if (distance > shootRange * 3) return; lastVisiblePlayerPosition = target.position; if (distance > dontComeCloserRange) MoveTowards (lastVisiblePlayerPosition); else RotateTowards(lastVisiblePlayerPosition); var forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); var targetDirection = lastVisiblePlayerPosition - transform.position; targetDirection.y = 0; var angle = Vector3.Angle(targetDirection, forward); // Start shooting if close and play is in sight if (distance 0.0) { MoveTowards(position); // We found the player if (CanSeeTarget ()) return; timeout -= Time.deltaTime; yield; } } function RotateTowards (position : Vector3) { SendMessage("SetSpeed", 0.0); var direction = position - transform.position; direction.y = 0; if (direction.magnitude bestDot && cur != currentWaypoint) { bestDot = dot; best = cur; } } return best; } ***Getting error in this line = yield WaitForSeconds(animation["shoot"].length - delayShootTime);*** Please help me I am awaiting, about 89.23% of my FPS got completed. :/ So Please, Please Help Me!.. Urgent!!!...**

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